POWER POST FOR THE WEEK ROMANS 8:28-9 “EVERYTHING WORKS TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD OF THOSE WHO LOVE GOD.” God has a plan. The way I conceive of it is as a VERY SLOW MOVING CURRENT IN A RIVER. The current is IMPERCEPTIBLE most of the time. But every now and then there are rapids and if you’re not careful they can put you in peril. Most of the time, if you try to go in the opposite direction your efforts are more difficult and you’ve FIGHTING NEEDLESSLY. Things are NOT working for your good. If a traveler realizes the river is going somewhere (GOD’S PLAN), and floats accordingly, he finds the current (GOD’S SPIRIT) takes him almost effortlessly in the right direction. At least till the next set of river rapids of difficulties arise. Submit to the current and God’s Spirit will see that “Everything works together for [YOUR] good.” READ THESE NEXT LINES ONLY IF YOU HAVEN’T BEFORE Paul Serwinek, PhD, MBA Check out our website at… www.instituteformerechristianity.org248-685-1299 pserwinek@ comcast.net |